What is my name ?
My name is …

In the ancient language Sanskrit, “Prasanna” means happiness.
You can call me Pras ….

Where do I work ?
I work as a consultant anesthesiologist at Broomfield Hospital. This 800 bed hospital is in the town of Chelmsford (about thirty miles East of London), United Kingdom.
Broomfield Hospital has got lots of specialties, including a world class center for plastic surgery and burn management. I can go on and on about how excellent we are , but I won’t bore you with all that.
Most importantly, in our hospital, we work as a very happy team.

Okay, one of them isn’t happy. Must be one of the surgeons.
How do I look ?
This is how I looked on my first birthday.

Many years later, I have ended up looking like this. The picture was taken at 3:00 AM (don’t ask me why).

Do I draw the diagrams myself ?
Yes, I draw nearly all the diagrams in this website. However, I am not a professional artist, as is evident by my version of the famous Mona Lisa (the sun glasses were put in because the eyes that I managed to draw looked too scary to show).

You will find that the diagrams can be quite colorful. That is my attempt to “add” color to “colorless” physics.

Anesthesia or Anaesthesia ?
This website is visited by people from all over the world. Unfortunately spelling can be different in different countries, so I have tried to please everybody by using different spellings everywhere. However, luckily when it comes to diagrams, they are the same wherever you are in the world. For an example, everybody in the world will agree that the image below is that of a fish, and not a face of a girl !

Do I enjoy authoring this website ?
While I do spend a huge amount of personal time on this website, I get great joy feeling that I might be helping someone somewhere understand the physical principles behind equipment.

I know you can help me ….
My biggest problem is how to tell everyone about this website. While Google is a good search system, it is not very good at picking up specialised websites like mine. So, my only hope of spreading the word about this website lies with people like you. By being in the medical profession, you are in an ideal position to tell your colleagues and students about this website.

The problem of money. ….
Wise men (or women) say that money doesn’t buy happiness. While that may be true for life in general, unfortunately for websites a little money does buy happiness. There are equipment costs, costs for hosting the site online, cost of coffee, and most expensive of all, costs of professional drawing software. I am struggling to raise funds, so I am hoping that visitors who can afford it , will consider making a one off payment the equivalent of five dollars. If you think you can manage that , please do click the link below. Thank you.

Finally, there have been a lot of people who have helped me with various things. A big thank you to all of you !